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Files (Local/HTTP/Git)

The file config type is set to scrape configurations or configurations in common with the related elements that can be specified in the fields; type, and id. The paths to the configuration(s) to be scraped is set with the field path as a list.

  - type: $.Config.InstanceType
    id: $.Config.InstanceId
      - config*.json
      - test*.json

For more examples of configuration file, please check the GitHub repo


Field Description Scheme Required
id A static value or JSONPath expression to use as the ID for the resource. string true
name A static value or JSONPath expression to use as the Name for the resource. Default value is the id. string false
items A JSONPath expression to use to extract individual items from the resource string false
type A static value or JSONPath expression to use as the type for the resource. string true
transform Specify field to transform result Transform false
format Format of config item, defaults to JSON, available options are JSON string false
timestampFormat TimestampFormat is a Go time format string used to parse timestamps in createFields and DeletedFields. If not specified, the default is RFC3339. string false
createFields CreateFields is a list of JSONPath expression used to identify the created time of the config. If multiple fields are specified, the first non-empty value will be used []string false
deleteFields DeleteFields is a JSONPath expression used to identify the deleted time of the config. If multiple fields are specified, the first non-empty value will be used []string false
url Specify URL e.g github repository containing the configuration(s) string false
paths Specify paths to configuration(s) for scraping []string true
ignore Set configurations to ignore []string false