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Exec Action

Exec Check executes a command or script file on the target host. The type of scripts executed include:

  • Bash scripts
  • Powershell scripts
Field Description Scheme Required
script Script can be a inline script or a path to a script that needs to be executed. On windows executed via Powershell and in darwin and linux executed using bash. string Yes
connections Connections for some CLIs map[string]string


Field Description Type Required
aws AWS connection AWSConnection
gcp GCP connection GCPConnection
azure Azure connection AzureConnection


Field Description Type Required
connectionName Connection name string
accessKey Access key types.EnvVar
secretKey Secret key types.EnvVar
region Region string
endpoint Endpoint string
skipTLSVerify Skip TLS verify bool
objectPath Object path string
usePathStyle Use path style bool


Field Description Type Required
connectionName Connection name string
endpoint Endpoint string
credentials Credentials types.EnvVar

Azure Connection

Field Description Type Required
connectionName Connection name string
clientID Client ID types.EnvVar
clientSecret Client Secret types.EnvVar
tenantID Tenant ID string


The scripts you provide will be templated using the following variables:

Field Description Type
config Config item ConfigItem
component Component Component
params The run parameters map[string]string